Friday, December 31, 2010


luisa brehm

dramaturgista, etnóloga e activista,
nasce em Lisboa, a 17 Dez. de 1952.

Actividade Profissional e outras

1974/75 - Estágio e assistente de dramaturgia na COMUNA - Teatro de Pesquisa, tendo participado nas seguintes Campanhas de Dinamização Cultural do MFA:
» “Operação Nortada” - Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Jan. 1975.
» “Operação Verdade” - Minho, Fev. 1975.
» Cabo Verde, Março 1975.
Peça – “Era uma Vez”, do escritor argentino Alfredo Nery y Paiva;
criação colectiva sob a orientação do encenador João Mota.

1975/77 - Vive em Paris.

1977/78 - Responsável pela orientação pedagógica e pelo sector de animação teatral do Grupo de Teatro de Fantoches Os Saltitões.
Peça - “Pilhagalinhas” de Alberto Lopes, representada em diversas escolas preparatórias.

- Animadora Teatral na Esc. Preparatória Francisco Arruda, Lisboa.

1978/79 - Coordenação e Texto da série de 6 filmes Crianças em Luta (sobre as crianças marginalizadas em Portugal) do cineasta João Brehm, produzidos pela Virver - Cooperativa de Cinema, da qual é cooperante.
Filmes passados na RTP 2 - Rádio Televisão Portuguesa e em diversos festivais internacionais.

- Realiza uma pesquisa sobre “A situação da Criança Inadaptada em Portugal, após o 25 de Abril 1974”.

1980/82 - Bolseira do Governo Mexicano, no Centro Universitário de Teatro da Universidade Nacional Autonoma de México - UNAM, Cd. de México.

- Realiza uma Investigação no campo da Etnologia Teatral, sobre os Índios Mexicanos:
suas festas, rituais, crenças, danças, máscaras etc., sob a orientação do encenador Luis de Tavira e do antropólogo José de Santiago (ambos de nacionalidade mexicana).

Viaja por toda a Rep. Mexicana.
Recolha de material fotográfico e de gravações.

- Colabora no jornal “Diário de Lisboa".

1983 - Regressa a Portugal.
- Prepara um Ensaio sobre esta investigação.

1983/84 - Vive em Peniche.
- Inicia um levantamento fotográfico de Portas, Janelas e Azulejos portugueses.

1986 - Expõe na “Objectiva 86” – exposição Internacional de Arte Fotográfica – “Festa do Avante”.

1987- Argumentista e assistente de realização da média-metragem de ficção O Mistério do Armário do cineasta João Brehm, para a RTP-Rádio Televisão Portuguesa.

1987/88 - Efeitos especiais, cenografia e caracterização da longa-metragem Transparências em Prata do cineasta João Brehm, filme subsidiado pelo I.P.C. - Inst. Português de Cinema.
Filme estreado em 1993, no 22º Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira da Foz.

1993/94 - Dramaturgia e adaptação da peça didáctica “Contigo, para Sempre”, da escritora inglesa Mary Cooper, peça de prevenção e educação sobre a SIDA, numa encenação de Júlia Correia.
Estreia em 1994 no Auditório Nacional Carlos Alberto, Porto e representada em várias escolas.

- Realiza uma pesquisa sobre “A SIDA e a Realidade Portuguesa”.

1998 - Inicia um levantamento etnográfico sobre a Serra do Gerês.

1999 - Realiza um levantamento fotográfico das Portas e Janelas de Recha, em Tavira.

2000/08 - Realiza um projecto foto/poético sobre texturas.
- Retoma a actividade em desenho, incluindo ilustrações para obras suas, não publicadas.

2007/14 - Prepara as séries fotográficas "com as minhas mãos
e "assim fiz eu a flora".
- Realiza vários cartazes contra a Pena de Morte.

2016 - Inicia a série fotográfica “kaleidomi”.

2017 - Escreve e ilustra o livro “Toni na Terra dos Sonhos”.

2019 - Inicia a série de desenhos/colagens “nonkas Flora”.

- Inicia online “Crónicas da Lulu e nonkas Flora”.


Blogger desde 2006 ► bricalu

Pelos Direitos Humanos

1988/95 - Co - fundadora da Comissão Pró-Amnistia Caso FUP/FP 25
(Presos Políticos Portugueses).

1991 - torna-se membro da AI - Amnistia Internacional, S.P.

1994/01 - Fundadora da Comissão Pró-Amnistia.
Dá apoio voluntário a detidos de delito social nos estabelecimentos prisionais portugueses, com especial incidência no Hospital-Prisional S. João de Deus, em Caxias.

2001/14 - Activista contra a Pena de Morte, com incidência nos E.U.A., e pela defesa dos presos Índios Americanos.
- moderadora de Thundering Drums, grupo de apoio a presos Índios Americanos. 

2007 - Convidada pela Amnistia Internacional Madrid a participar nas “Cidades pela Vida, Cidades contra a Pena de Morte”, com 7 trabalhos fotográficos – Madrid. 
2008 - Convidada de novo pela Amnistia Internacional Madrid a participar com o seu trabalho nas “Cidades pela Vida, Cidades contra a Pena de Morte” - Madrid. - Amnistía Internacional convoca una concentración contra la pena de muerte

Madridiario - Luz contra la pena de muerte

desde 2001 - Continua o seu activisto contra a Pena de Morte.

Formação Universitária

1980/82 - Bolseira do Governo Mexicano no Centro Universitário de Teatro da Universidade Nacional Autonoma de México – UNAM, Cd. de México (no 1º Convénio Cultural entre Portugal/México), onde realiza estudos de Pós-Grado-Investigação em Etnologia Teatral.

1976/77 - Frequência do Curso Superior de “Sciences de l’Éducation”, na Universidade de Vincennes, Paris VIII.

1972/75 - Curso Superior de “Dramaturgia, Investigação e Critica”, na Escola Superior de Teatro do Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa.

Outros Cursos de Formação

1964/68 - Curso na Alliance Française de Lisboa.

1968/71 - Cursos de Fotografia e de Cerâmica no IADE – Instituto de Arte e Decoração, Lisboa.

Obras Publicadas

- Da Melancolia - prosa poética; Ed. Caminho da Poesia, 1988.
- Portas - colecção de postais; Ed. Rolim, 1988.

Ultra short résumé »

dramaturgist, ethnologist and human rights activist
born in Dec. 1952, Lisbon, Portugal

Theatre - works in several theatre groups as dramaturgist and researcher.
Cinema - several works in films as art director and screenwriter.
Other - writer, works in illustration, digiart and photography.

1980/82 - postgraduate studies in Theatrical Ethnology - UNAM ( Centro Universitario de Teatro, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ), Cd. de México, with a Mexican Government scholarship.
travels by all Mexico making a research about Mexican Indians rituals.

1975/77 - i live in Paris.
“Sciences de l’Éducation” - Université de Vincennes, Paris VIII.

1972/75 - graduate in "Dramaturgy, Research and Critique" - Escola Superior de Teatro do Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa.

- photography and other art schools

Human Rights:
i gave support to Political and Social prisoners in Portugal. 

Since 2001, more than anything else, activist against USA Death Penalty and for American Indians prisoners' rights.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: A Year of Impact

2010: A Year of Impact
© Human Rights Watch

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ali Saremi Presente !!!

If you burn my body and sew it to a pole,
Can you steal love for the motherland from my soul?

Even if during my lifetime, including my 23 years of imprisonment, I was not able to pay my dues to God,
to my people and to my country, maybe my execution
will wake people up.

To the people and my country, I shout out again:

“For the motherland, I sacrifice my body… Long live Iran”

Political prisoner, Ali Saremi

May 2010

Ali Saremi murdered by Iran
1947 - Dec. 28, 2010

Ali Saremi and Ali Akbar Siadat murdered by Iran

Monday, December 27, 2010

♥♥ miaumiday

♥♥ miaumiday
miaumiday ♥♥
© luisa brehm

miii all pretty for ronnnronnnnnnnnnday
did u bring my enchanted fish to make miaumi wish ???
mi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mommyyyyyyyyyyyy

Flora, you are just a bit yellow for my taste, no ???
i guess it's the make up ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ uuuuuuuuuuuuuu 222222, Kido

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Habib Latifi - execution halted

Execution of the Kurdish political prisoner Habibollah Latifi has been postponed
© Iran Human Rights

Iran halts execution of Kurdish student: lawyer

Habib is still in great danger !!!!
go on taking action !!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Habibollah Latifi » execution set for December 26

URGENT!! Revolutionary Court Sets Habibollah Latifi's Execution Date for December 26th
© Persian2English

Take Action NOW !!!!

Halt Student's Execution, Review Torture Allegations
© International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
published Dec. 25

Concern Over 'Imminent' Execution Of Kurdish Student
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010
published Dec. 25

post updated December 25

USA 2010 - State Killings, commutations & stays

USA 2010 - State Killings, commutations & stays

1 - Steven Staley - Texas - stayed
7 - Billy Ray Irick - Tennessee - stayed
16 - John Duty - Oklahoma - murdered by US
John Duty: human guinea pig in Oklahoma's cruel experiment
by Clive Stafford Smith - The Guardian, published Nov. 23
Appeals court: New drug OK for executions
© Tulsa World - published Dec. 15
Oklahoma man executed with drug mix that includes sedative commonly used to euthanize animals
© The Oklahoman

US ends 2010 with 46 executions for the year, down from the 52 executions carried out in 2009.

note »
Jeffrey Matthews has been scheduled for execution on Jan. 11, Oklahoma.

2011 - scheduled executions »
please check Rick Halperin site

recent State Killings, commutations & stays

1 - Michael Perry - murdered by the state of Texas
13 - William Garner - murdered by the state of Ohio
20 - Derrick Jackson - murdered by the state of Texas
21 - Joseph Burns - murdered by the state of Mississippi

10 - Roderick Davie - murdered by the state of Ohio
12 - Michael Jeffrey Land - murdered by the state of Alabama
17 - Peter Cantu - murdered by the state of Texas

9 - Holly Wood - murdered by the state of Alabama
10 - Cal Brown - Washington - 1st execution since 2001
15 - Kevin Keith - Ohio - commuted
Strickland commutes death row inmate's sentence to life without parole
© The Columbus Dispatch
Governor's Statement Regarding Clemency Application of Kevin Keith
© Office of the Governor
16 - Gregory Wilson - Kentucky - stayed
23 - Teresa Lewis - murdered by the state of Virginia
The first Woman executed by the state of Virginia in nearly a century.
Virginia governor declines to stay woman's execution
© CNN - published Sep. 17
27 - Brandon Joseph Rhode - murdered by the state of Georgia

Suicidal death row inmate denied stay of execution; appeals continue
© The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
published Sept. 23
30 - Albert Brown - California - halted
Judge clears way for California's first execution since 2006
© CNN - published Sept. 24
28 - Gaile Owens - Tennessee - (female) - commuted
Governor commutes sentence of Gaile Owens
© The Tennessean - July 14
Bredesen Commutes Death Sentence
© Governor's Office

6 - Michael Benge - murdered by the state of Ohio
Ohio executes record eighth man this year
© The Columbus Dispatch
14 - Gayland Bradford - Texas - stayed
14 - Donald Wackerly II - murdered by the state of Oklahoma
16 - Jeffrey Matthews - Oklahoma * - stayed
The judge extended the stay until Nov. 20.
They have after 30 days to set a new date.
Judge extends execution stay for Oklahoma death row inmate
© The Oklahoman
20 - Roderick Nunley - Missouri - stayed
21 - Larry Wooten - murdered by the state of Texas
26 - Jeffrey Landrigan - murdered by the state of Arizona
Arizona must stop execution of man failed by his defence lawyer
© Amnesty International - published Oct. 22
A Proclamation of Denial of Reprieve by the Governor of Arizona
© Office of the Governor - Oct. 25
Judge blocks Arizona execution due to drug issue
© The Arizona Republic - published Oct. 25
Supreme Court mulls OK for Arizona execution after last-minute stay
© CNN - published Oct. 26
Ariz. Executes Man Using U.K.-Supplied Sedative
© CBS News

4 - Phillip Hallford - murdered by the state of Alabama
16 - Sidney Cornwell - Ohio - commuted
Strickland spares killer of child from execution
© The Columbus Dispatch
Governor's Statement on Clemency Application of Sidney Cornwell
© Office of the Governor
30 - Stephen West - Tennessee - stayed
State Supreme Court halts Tuesday night execution, three others
© The Tennessean
Tennessee Supreme Court Delays Execution For West
© NewsChannel5

info by Rick Halperin and i .... thanks, my friend !!!

Kill Death Penalty NOW !!!!

January - June 2010
check my previous post here

USA 2009
check my previous post here

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jafar Panahi » petition online

US - Executions continue steady nationwide decline

Executions continue steady nationwide decline

Executions in the United States continued to decrease in 2010, with the 46 death sentences carried out representing a 12% drop from the year before, according to a report issued Tuesday.

DPIC Releases 2010 Year End Report

DPIC Releases 2010 Year End Report
© Death Penalty Information Center

Monday, December 20, 2010

Iran jails Jafar Panahi & Mohammad Rasoulof

Jafar Panahi has been sentenced to six years in prison and 20 years ban from filmmaking and traveling abroad; Mohammad Rasoulof, another Iranian director, has also been sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Iran jails director Jafar Panahi and stops him making films for 20 years
© The Guardian

Mass hanging in Iran

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Steve Biko Presente !!!

It is better to die for an idea that will live,
than to live for an idea that will die.

- Steve Biko -

18 Dec. 1946 - 12 Sept. 1977

Steve Biko Foundation

Friday, December 17, 2010

today is my day ....

i was thinking to post something funny but i would be a hypocrite !!!!
i'm sit here, Flora right in front of the heater
and of course i made my wish which i cannot tell !!!
today, don't know why or know very well,
i got the blues and, at the same time, i feel more rebel than ever too !!!!
i am 58 now and
just hope my wish come true,
may be not in my lifetime but true !!!!

Cables show Portugal's role in secret CIA prisoner flights

Cables show Portugal's role in secret CIA prisoner flights
© World Socialist Web Site

Shame on you, my country !!!!

Drug used in Okla execution could gain wider use

US kills Duty with animal drug !!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Obama endorses the UN declaration on Indigenous Rights

Forever One

Forever One
© luisa brehm

yes, my angel my life,
i don't go anywhere without you ....
we are Forever One !!!!
Adoroooooooooooooooo-te, Meu Amor !!!!

Mom with 23 years old

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"We Are a Buried Generation"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Le Processus

a really fantastic animation and in the nick of time !!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Why Today's Human Rights Day Is So Special

Why Today's Human Rights Day Is So Special

Today is a special Human Rights Day.
It marks the beginning of Amnesty International's 50th year celebration.
That's 50 years of working together to demand freedom and justice for all.

© Amnesty International USA Blog

ACLU - Report Dec. 2010

Slamming the Courthouse Doors:
Denial of Access to Justice and Remedy in America

Report December 10, 2010

© ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union

Liu Xiaobo awarded Nobel

Iran second only to China for executions

Sakineh Ashtiani is not free !!!!

Iran TV denies condemned woman free
© Al Jazeera
Iran Denies Freeing Condemned Woman
© The New York Times

Reports of latest Ashtiani TV 'confession' in Iran condemned
© Amnesty International

i'm not playing here !!!! this is the second time it happens !!!
for obvious reasons i will never share again news from International Committee against Stoning !!!!

Human Rights Day 2010

Human Rights Day 2010

The theme for Human Rights Day 10 December 2010 is
human rights defenders who act to end discrimination.

© Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - UN

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Practicing Medicine on Death Row

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

John Lennon and Julian Assange: The Faces of Peace and Truth

John Lennon and Julian Assange: The Faces of Peace and Truth
© News Junkie Post

today marks 30 years without John Lennon, Imagine !!!!
a must read !!!

Julian Assange Petition

petition: in support of Julian Assange
© rsn

if we want to live in Peace we should never hide the Truth !!!
signed !!!!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

FRONTLINE: The Released | PBS

FRONTLINE - The Released - Dec. 7th at 9pm ET on PBS (check local listings)

FRONTLINE's film, The Released, is re-airing Tuesday night.
It's an intense, inside look at a worsening problem: Hundreds of thousands of mentally ill prison inmates -- suffering from schizophrenia, paranoia and bipolar disorder -- being released into communities across America, only to end up back in prison less than two years later.

Guantanamo Detainees Drugged in "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" Program

Monday, December 06, 2010

There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky;
there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior
of the soul.

- Victor Hugo -


Sunday, December 05, 2010

Gāyatrī Mantra

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Iranian Regime Commits Another Murder

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Shahla Jahed Presente !!!

1970 – 1 December 2010
floods all over with so many tears ....
where are the stars now ???
where are the birds singing ???
where is the time going this bloody first day of December ???

i truly don't know, dear Shahla ....
please forgive us, we were not able to stop your cry !!!

with my Love and deep Respect
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