The Dakota War of 1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising, (the Dakota Uprising, the Sioux Outbreak of 1862, the Dakota Conflict, the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862 or Little Crow's War) was an armed conflict between the U.S. and the eastern Sioux. It began on August 17, 1862, along the Minnesota River in southwest Minnesota. It ended with a Mass Execution of 38 Dakota Men on December 26, 1862, in Mankato, Minnesota.
The five individuals named here represent only a few of those who risked, and are risking, their lives in the ongoing fight for justice, freedom and human rights in all corners of the world.
The grant was given to Moleres for his project
“Waiting for an Opportunity”, in which he is documenting the harsh realitiesof
juvenile justice in Sierra Leone.
Join Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger, Jackson Browne, Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter
and many more for an evening of music and learning for Leonard Peltier.
Speakers Jack Healey (Human Rights Action Center, former Executive Director of Amnesty International USA) Peter Matthiessesn Tom Poor Bear (Oglala Sioux Tribe V.P.) Bill Means Dorothy Ninham.
Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera is a gay rights activist in Uganda, a country where homosexuality is punishable by life in prison. Despite a change to the bill in November, campaigners say there is still a very real possibility of facing the death penalty for being gay in Uganda.
i am an ethnologist and human rights activist, in the last years more than anything else against USA Death Penalty and for American Indians prisoners’ rights.
i write, i love to draw and take-create pictures but i’m not an artist .... i hope for a better world and i believe in Freedom, the one we make with our hands !!!