Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
Ce qui m'intéresse, ce n'est pas le bonheur de tous les hommes, c'est celui de chacun.
What interests me isn't the happiness of all men,
it's the happiness of each one.
- Boris Vian - from L'écume des jours (Foam of the Daze) 1947
March 10, 1920 - June 23,1959
"Le déserteur" (The Deserter) is a famous anti-war song written by French writer, musician/singer Boris Vian and released on May 7, 1954 during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
On March 11, the ACLU is holding a Resistance Training. This event will launch People Power, the ACLU’s new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets. We’re organizing grassroots events in communities across the country to watch the livestream together. Please join us!
A Unique and collaborative art exhibit by political cartoonists and death-row inmates designed to expand the conversation on capital punishment in the U.S.
Windows on Death Row, a travelling exhibition of over 60 works from death row inmates and some of America's most famous political cartoonists, is currently on show at
i am an ethnologist and human rights activist, in the last years more than anything else against USA Death Penalty and for American Indians prisoners’ rights.
i write, i love to draw and take-create pictures but i’m not an artist .... i hope for a better world and i believe in Freedom, the one we make with our hands !!!