Sunday, May 01, 2011

Condemn NATO assassination of Gadhafi son and three grandsons! U.S., Britain and France: Hands off Libya! Get out of Africa!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nato's action in killing Gadhafi's son and three grandsons is against international law. Nato does as it pleases. Cameron gave £650 million of British tax payers money to Pakistan. He works in cahoots with the US. Then we hear of the appalling massacre. Are the rich building up to make Pakistan another haven for money making rich. Who are Nato to say who should die? Nato equals terrorism, propaganda and keeping the Northern Territories in a state of destabilisation so they are not a threat to Israel. The Arab world and its surrounding brothers and sisters must unit and stand as one people.

5/02/2011 11:02 AM  

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