Monday, November 19, 2012

Green to Green

In this darkness,
I am thinking of a lightly lamb-
to graze the grass of my loneliness.

In this darkness,
I feel my stretched arms-
beneath the original rain-
that fell on the first prayers of men.

In this darkness,
I open a door to the ancient lanes,
and to the golden images carved-
on the walls of old, abandoned caves.

In this darkness,
I reached, I touched the roots.

in this unyielding night,
for the young thicket of death-
grown on the grass of my loneliness,
I sang- the undying verse of Water and Earth.

- Sohrab Sepehri - 

translation by Maryam Dilmaghani

Sohrab Sepehri

1928 - 1980



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