Tuesday, May 02, 2017

And it is less then two months away, Yulin Dog Meat Festival 2017 !!!!!

by Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Marc !!!!!

And it is less then two months away, The Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
An event created that has sparked international outrage. A celebration that centers on the torture of dogs.

To speak about the change we are working to create, and how other people can get involved, our foundation will be hosting a Q&A forum in conjunction with "I Stand With My Pack" and "Stop Yulin Forever" 

- on May 7th that will be open to the public.

The Yulin Q&A Event:
Sunday May 7th, 3 to 7pm
9612 Arby Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

read more here

if you are too much sensitive don't watch the video ....
Stop Yulin Forever !!!!!


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